Tuesday 12 August 2014

Tutorial: An Effective Method for Fixing Uneven Skin Tones in Photoshop

There are times when capturing portraits that you’ll notice the skin tone of the subject varies between their face and their body. It’s a rather common occurrence and by no means out of the ordinary. Caused by a number of factors, including makeup, tan, skin quality, lighting quality, etc.
While not a horrible problem to have, it can be a bit unpleasant, aesthetically speaking. Here to help fix the problem are the Photoshop gurus over at Phlearn. In the above video, Phlearn details a few ways to ensure skin tone is consistent across your image, giving you the results you’re looking for.

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The first step utilized in the process is to first analyze skin tone through the highlights and shadows of the images. By creating a custom palette to help guide your edits, you’ll have a handy guide to help with the process.
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To actually make the changes, the video goes over how you can best use adjustment layers in combination with levels, HSL sliders and more to effectively pinpoint and alter the skin tones for a consistent look.
The tutorial comes in at 16 minutes, so it’s mid-range in length; but it’s a vital watch to almost any photographer. Give it a watch and be sure to check out Phlearn’s YouTube channel for more great tutorials.
From PetaPixle

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